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The Department of Medicine recently hired Jeff and Jenny Klomp, lead authors of groundbreaking research on the gene KRAS and its impact on pancreatic, lung, and colorectal cancers. Their research could lead to effective treatments, better prediction of treatment responses, and new strategies to overcome drug resistance in KRAS-driven cancers.
Dean Aron Sousa applauds the work the Occupational Medicine Division is doing.
Dr. Aldasouqui and Nurse Practitioner Sullivan from the Endocrinology Division shared with Channel 10 News why Daylight Saving Time should be eliminated for good.
Congratulations to Dr. Ade Olomu, MD, MS, FMCP, FACP, Blanch B. & Frederick C. Swartz Endowed Professor of Medicine on her new role as Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs!