Grand Rounds January 10, 2023 by Jatin Rana, MD presents "Breast Cancer Medical Oncology Updates"
Grand Rounds January 24, 2023 by A. J. Rush, MD presents "Michigan Opioid Prescribing, Part 1 of 2"
Featuring Ling Wang, MS, PhD presenting "Introduction to Survival Analysis"
Grand Rounds February 14, 2023 by Cara Poland, MD, MEd presents “Michigan Opioid Prescribing, Part 2 of 2"
Grand Rounds February 28, 2023 by Jayson Field, MD, FACOG, FACS presents “Annual Exams and HPV Vaccination"
Grand Rounds March 28, 2023 by Ken Rosenman, MD presents "The Flint Water Crisis and Current Updates on Lead"
Grand Rounds March 28, 2023 by Ken Rosenman, MD presents “The Flint Water Crisis and Current Updates on Lead"
Grand Rounds April 11, 2023 by Qing-Sheng Mi, MD, PhD presents “miRNAs Regulate Immune Cells and Serve as Biomarkers for Psoriatic Arthritis.”
Grand Rounds April 25, 2023 by Subhashis Mitra, MD, FACP, FIDSA will be presenting on the topic “Zoonotic Tuberculosis.”
Grand Rounds May 9th, 2023 by George Abela MD, MSc, MBA on “Effect of Hormones in Cardiovascular Disease.”
Final session of Medicine Grand Rounds for this academic year, scheduled for next Tuesday 5/23 at 12:00 Noon via Zoom only. Mariam Younas, MD will be presenting on the topic “COVID-19 Pandemic: Data Driven Approach.”
Grand Rounds September 12th, 2023 by Olorunseun Ogunwobi, PhD will be presenting on the topic “Inequities In Cancer Health Outcomes: Can Strategies Leveraging Noncoding RNA Biology Help?”
Grand Rounds is on September 26th, 2023: Heather Laird-Fick, MD, MPH will be presenting on the topic “Medical “Gaslighting”: A Growing Crisis For Patient-Centered Care.”
Grand Rounds is on October 10th, 2023: Sheila Meshinski, RN will be presenting on the topic “Human Trafficking.”
Grand Rounds is on October 24th, 2023: Dr. Craig Cole will be presenting “Multiple Myeloma in the Primary Care Setting.”
The 40th Michigan Annual Endocrine Symposium offers 1.5 days of rich programming encompassing both updates and advances in important thyroid and endocrine topics. This symposium is held in collaboration with the Lansing-based Ingham County Medical Society.
Leonard Fleck, Ph.D. will be presenting “Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Tools: Emerging Ethical Challenges (in the clinic and in policy forums).”
Shailendra Sharma, MD will be presenting “Heat, Health and Hope – Nepalese Migrant Workers in Changing Climate.”
Grand Rounds is on January 9, 2023: Ellen Li, MD, PhD will be presenting on the topic “A QA/QI Study on Colonoscopy Wait Times in Underinsured Patients Following the COVID-19 Pandemic.”