
Office-GAP Project - Adesuwa Olomu, M.D.

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Patient Engagement Hit


Olomu with patient

With funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Olomu and her co-investigators are testing the implementation of an outpatient program “The Office Guidelines Applied in Practice" (Office-GAP) and Care4Life in Federally Qualified Health Care Centers (FQHCs) in Michigan. The Office-GAP Program is designed to improve care and health outcomes for cardiovascular and diabetic patients in FQHCs and community health centers.

Office-GAP Program

Office-GAP is a Patient Activation Intervention Program that includes: 1) Group visit 2) Physician training for patient activation, and 3) Decision support checklist used in real time in the office. Patients will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Patients in Groups 1 or 2 will attend: 1) one scheduled group visit, (90-120 min; 4-6 patients) conducted by the PI/RAs 2)two follow-up visits with their primary care providers in 1 month, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the group visit. The group visit is a shared decision-making (SDM) activation session wherein patients learn self-management behaviors, medication use, communication skills, and use of decision support tools. The Office-GAP Checklist is a one-page checklist that outlines all evidence-based medications for prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in DM patients. It is an in-consultation decision support tool that helps engage the patient and physician in initiating and enhancing a SDM process via discussion of medication and secondary prevention/lifestyle changes.

(photo credit - Paul Phipps)

Way2Health Program

Way2Health is a nationally recognized, widely disseminated, effective diabetes management tool. It is a text-based DM self-management program. Way2Health engages patients in two ways: 1) Patients receive daily Way2Health messages appropriate to their diagnosis and medications (e.g. BP, blood glucose, medication) and appointment reminders throughout the study. They also receive informational and educational texts. 2) Patients respond to prompts and contact their providers’ office throughout the study via texting. Patients receive a 15-week customized program of text messages starting after the group visit. Thereafter, they will receive diabetic modules that follow the standard for diabetes education for the rest of the 12 months. Modules differ each month. Patients determine the maximum number of messages to receive per day (1-3). Patients in group 1 and 2 will use Way2Health. Office-GAP is for group 1 patients only.

Research Participants

Attention Patients - Do you have Diabetes?

Michigan State University and your Clinic are testing an educational program to help people prevent heart attacks. 

Knowing more about how to take care of your diabetes and your heart and taking the right medication can help you prevent a heart attack.

It only requires a one time group visit and 2 follow up visits with your doctor. You will be paid up to a total of $200 for attending the group visit and the 2 follow up visits.

Patients at Alcona Health Centers, Great Lakes Bay Health Centers and Ingham County Health Department clinics are eligible to participate in this study.

Eligibility Criteria 

Inclusion Criteria: Patients: aged >18 at participating Federally Qualified Health Care centers (FQHCs) and; 1) have a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) with HbA1c >8, with or without CVD; 2) patient should be taking at least one prescribed medication for BP or cholesterol management 3) able to provide informed consent 4) able to read and speak English (grade 6 reading level); 5) have a cell phone with texting. Providers: 6) All providers in the participating clinics. Exclusion Criteria: 1) medical record documentation of cognitive impairment, dementia or psychosis 2) plans to leave the area prior to study completion 3) participating in another cellphone program.

To find out more please call:
   Office-GAP Project
   Dept of Medicine
   Michigan State University
   East Lansing MI 48824
   Phone: 517-432-0897